

E.N.G.A.G.E. – Encouraging New Goals & Great Explorations

Since our nonprofit educational Hollywood Science Fiction Museum is unlike any in the world, teaching film making, film history and real space and science through sci-fi, it was necessary to create our own learning system beyond STEM or even STEAM.
A new way to give K-12 and college students the opportunity to listen to and interact with scientists and artists who personify the journey from creative seed to reality. Our museum board members are all E.N.G.A.G.E. lecturers. Kids will return to class knowing that with hard work, they have a chance to be part of the bold solution.
The props we’ve acquired give students something tangible to physically see and become inspired by. To see a costume, alien, phaser, lightsaber, spaceship, TARDIS or sit on the bridge of the starship Enterprise, has and will continue to inspire someone far greater than seeing a photo, video or reading about it. When our permanent location opens, we will be working with the L.A. Unified School District to bus 400 students per month to our exhibit. E.N.G.A.G.E. lectures will also include community luminaries such as JPL scientists and filmmakers. This prototype will serve as a model for our visiting schools with one hour interactive workshops and E.N.G.A.G.E. Live internet feeds to smaller communities, which will enable local students to interact. In this way, exhibits like our Star Trek Enterprise Bridge, special effects makeup lab and noninvasive surgery techniques can always be followed by lecturers’ interaction with K-12 students in every community to which we travel.

E.N.G.A.G.E. leaders, as mentors, will pass on their passion to make a positive difference. A science fiction writer could inspire a future doctor who one day invents a new approach to help paraplegics. Other participants may become astronauts who find bold solutions for reversing climate change, robotics engineers, chemists who might invent new water purification systems, or filmmakers who create movies that inspire change. As the web of participants grows, so will the web of interconnected creative spirits who thrive.

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